Tuesday, November 15, 2016

UPCOMING PROJECTS as of 11-14-16

Just a quick rundown of what to expect form me in the near future.

First up hopefully in the next week or so will be THE COLLECTED FANTASY ENVOY EROTICA VOLUME 1, which will collects the first four Fantasy Envoy books.  This includes THE CLERIC'S FAREWELL, THE MAD KING'S ROAD, THE ELF WIFE, and A NIGHT AT THE DEBAUCHERY.

The collection will also include a NEW bonus short story, "Distraction Tactics," which chronicles Tobias as a young man meeting Safiya for the very first time in an unexpected yet very sexy way.

After that, HOT DRAGON GIRLS 6 should be on its way sometime in December. This will conclude the series, as among various sexual hijinks, the girls scramble to find a way to stay on Earth after the bombshell fo the previous book.

After that will be two new projects not connected to any series:  HOT PIRATE GIRLS, featuring a lot of sex, high adventure, and supernatural mystery in the 17th Century Caribbean. 

After that will be HOT DRAGON MALES, my take at a more female-oriented sexual fantasy tale.

Tentatively on the slate beyond that is DEEP DELVE, the sixth Fantasy Envoy book, and HOT GOBLIN GIRLS 4.

I also want to keep producing more artwork too, so keep an eye out on both my PATREON PAGE as well as my various pages on DeviantArt, Fur Affinity, Weasyl, and elsewhere for that!

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Become a Patron on my PATREON PAGE!  Help me keep creating exciting works of scifi, fantasy, and erotica!


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Also check out my awesome ebooks for sale! Fun fantasy adventure, mind-bending scifi, steamy erotica, and more!

On Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/plucas

On Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Paul-Lucas/e/B007Q0NO7S

Friday, September 16, 2016

Hot Dino Girls Update!

Just a brief little update, as things are (no surprise) taking longer to do than anticipated.

My newest fantasy erotica ebook HOT DINO GIRLS 3 is out of first draft. It ended up being longer than I thought, about 34K words. While that's good that there will be more story, steamy sex, and fun adventure for the readers, it also means that it likely won't be out until the end of the month or may even be pushed back until October. I'm working hard to get things done but quality work--and whatever the hell it is I do--takes time.

For those of you on my Patreon, I do have a cover update for the book with basic colors filled in. Hope to post more on there soon! Plus patrons there can also see a sneak peek of HOT DINO GIRLS 3's steamy first chapter.

After HOT DINO GIRLS 3 is in the can, I'll be moving on to HOT DRAGON GIRLS 6the final and hopefully very exciting and sexy chapter in the saga. I've also been working on and off on THE COLLECTED FANTASY ENVOY VOLUME 1, which will collect the first four books of that series as well as feature some bonus material like a new short story, gaming stats, and links to maps. Hope to have both that and HOT DRAGON GIRLS 6 out by the end of the year.

After that, it will be a couple of new projects to give myself a break from doing a long string of sequels this year.  Hopefully (fingers crossed, if the money situation works out) I'll also be able to start working in more mainstream writing works into my repertoire as well.

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Become a Patron on my PATREON PAGE!  Help me keep creating exciting works of scifi, fantasy, and erotica!


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Also check out my awesome ebooks for sale! Fun fantasy adventure, mind-bending scifi, steamy erotica, and more!

On Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/plucas

On Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Paul-Lucas/e/B007Q0NO7S

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Future of the Goblin (and Dino) Girls!

I just recently released HOT GOBLIN GIRLS 3 (available on both Amazon Kindle and Smashwords and their affiliates.)

I was rather pleased with how the story came out. For readers who are a fan of the series, you may be pleased to know that I believe I have enough ideas for at least two more books in the series.   When I'll be able to get around to writing them, I'll have to see, as I have a bunch of other stories already on my slate.

One thing I always really like about this series is that there is no great epic conflicts or world saving or anything like that.  Though the characters do occasionally run into unusual circumstances, they are mostly just trying to live their lives and get by day to day.  Their conflicts are very small and personal.  They may have to deal with the fallout of more epic events (such as the Crenmoore Rebellion, or in the most recent book, the Mage Guild War in Linlea), but their conflicts and hardships are at a modest and personal scale most people can identify with.  They're basically work-a-day fantasy heroes.

One spin-off idea I'm thinking of doing is a GOBLIN GIRLS mainstream fantasy book.  Basically, I'll rewrite the first three books of the erotica series so its more R-rated than XXX and sell it as one complete novel.   But that will take more work than it appears, though, as a number of important plot point (especially in the first book) are strongly sex-related and would have to be rewritten or completely reworked altogether.  The books will by necessity also have to be a bit more violence and action-oriented to keep readers interested where before there was steamy sex scenes to do that.

Question is, would there be a market for this?  I really do like the characters and the world they inhabit and could follow it up with more mainstream adventures after the erotica angle for them starts wearing thin.  But this will ONLY be feasible if the mainstream version can sell enough to make the work worth it.  If you have any opinions on this either way, let me know, as I really don't know if I should go this route or not.

I also plan on doing paperback versions, but that's another can of worms I'll save for another column. Basically I want to save this option for Collected Editions so the reader gets enough material to justify the price, but I have to do more research into how things work for that.

HOT DINO GIRLS, whose third book I'm working on now, is also a series about working-class characters, but with a different approach than HOT GOBLIN GIRLS.  Whereas the goblin characters move around a lot and live in a world where they can be constantly exposed to peril, the world of the Dino Girls is more 'realistic' and laid back.  The characters stay in one place and only want to build a good life for themselves and those they care about.  They're a stay-at-home working class family, but one who only so happens to only contain one normal human and is set on an exotic alternate version of Earth.

This third book will likely be the last book focusing on that set of characters.  It probably won't be the last story set on that world ( I do have an idea for a HOT RAPTOR GIRLS book feature the characters of Jirollo and Pirollo, who appeared in Book 2).  I think people will see after I put the third book out that the ending should be satisfying and with the characters in a good place, but one that may not really work for further erotic adventure novels.

Just some random thoughts.  I'll be posting this in several different sites, so let me know what you think!

-- PL

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pulse-Pounding Patreon Page Permutations!

Hope that headline was clickbaity enough =p
Anyway, I'm changing things on my Patreon Page (https://www.patreon.com/paullucas) a bit, basically eliminating the $5/me tier, which allowed patrons sneak peaks at exclusive writing content as well as discount coupons for various ebooks.  I'm stripping that i to $3 tier instead, so for just $3/mo, patrons get access to BOTH art and writing perks.
The reason is that when I first started this, I thought I would be able to devote more time to developing my digital painting skills, and would be able to supply both tiers with a  steady supply of  bonus material.  however, as I've fallen behind on a whole bunch of project, the art's fallen on the wayside.  I've been able to post at least some writing most months.  But art, not so much.  So to make sure patrons get more bang for their buck, I'll just combine the two into one tier.
So people who are patrons, or who want to become one, for $3/mo, you will not only get exclusive art and sneak peaks at ebook covers, but also short stories, sneak peaks at first drafts of upcoming books, and discount coupons for my ebooks.   Just added in the past few weeks is the bonus short story "Game Night" included THE COLLECTED HOT DRAGON GIRLS Vo. 1, a first-draft sneak peak at the upcoming erotica ebook HOT GOBLIN GIRLS 3, as well as $2.00 off coupon for the aforementioned  THE COLLECTED HOT DRAGON GIRLS Volume 1, good until August 10, 2016!
For the one person who did become a $5/mo patron, thank you!  I appreciated it very much, but no worries if you want to contribute less now.
And of course, if people want to, contributions of any amount are always welcome.
Link to the page is below.  Thanks!
-- PL

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I Am Not Rich, Nor Can I See Rich From Here

There actually seems to be some confusion about this sort of thing, so let me clear it up.

Writing and illustration are not hobbies for me.  They are how I make a living.  The books I have for sale on Amazon and elsewhere are not indulgences, they are sincere money-making ventures.

Now it IS true that I enjoy doing this kind of work much more than any other job I've had.  If I'd stuck with any of my previous means of employment, I'm sure that by now I would either be dead or in jail--dead from a stress-induced heart attack, or in jail from murdering one of the many idiot co-workers or customers I was forced to deal with on a daily basis.  Of course there were many great people I did work with or was happy to serve, but anyone who's worked in a job in retail or the service industry knows exactly the type of idiots I'm talking about.

Anyway, I sent 23+ years working those kinds of jobs, and 15 of those years working like crazy on the side to turn myself into a creative type with enough skill and drive to make a living off of it.  I was able to transition to the point where I'm doing it full time, but its still a struggle.  My average yearly income hovers around the poverty line despite working all day, every day most weeks.  I am paying my bills and things are looking up, but things are still proceeding at a slow pace and I still have a long way to go.

Some people have asked for discounted books or why I don't give some books away for free or why I supposedly "charge so much" for books.  None of these decisions are made on whims or in a vacuum.  The amount I charge (usually $2.99) is the minimum where I can make a decent profit off my work. And by 'decent profit' I mean just enough to keep me in cheap coffee and wifi so i can keep producing the kind of stuff you guys like.  If a price is higher, that's usually because the work is significantly longer and/or took significantly more effort than average to produce.

Now if I could give my stuff away fro free and still earn a decent living, truthfully, I would be happy to.  I take a great amount of satisfaction and pride at all the positive feedback my work gets here and other sites, writing and artwork both.  I have tried various programs on Amazon and Smashwords offering books for reduced prices or for free, but while it does give that one book increased exposure, it also resulted in zero cross-over sales.  I have heard it works differently for some authors, but for me it turned out to be a big bust.

This is why I ask that if you do like my books or artwork, you become a patron on my PATREON PAGE (Link Below).  Even if you can only contribute $1 a month, it'll go a long way in making things easier for me so I can keep writing books.  Thanks!


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Upcoming Projects - Late May 2016

Juts a quick little round up of the various writing projects I'm working on as of mid-May 2016,


Is in rewrites, and the cover art is being produced.  I hope to have it out by the end of May or early June 2016.

The quartet of main characters celebrate Mardi Gras in their college town with a night on the town at a new offworlder-friendly nightclub.  However, after the heartbreak and splintering six months before, will they be able to find reconciliation among all the naught rendezvous and sexy shenanigans?


Is in first draft.  I would like to have it done by late June or early July 2016.

The quartet of horny goblin women and their human companion Joren are adjusting to their new lives as caravan guards.  The lonely and love-spurned Stiletto begins seeing Joren as much more than just an occasional fun lay, much to the chagrin of his notoriously jealous wife Vexation.  Tensions rise among the steamy sexual encounters even as the caravan faces an unexpected threat.


Outlined.  Should be done by the end of summer 2016 or thereabouts.

Human herdmaster Mike Ardavan and his trio of sexy Dino girls follow up on a legend of an ancient ruin that may hold an amazing secret that will affect all their lives.


Will collect the first three volumes of the Hot Dragon Girls books with a new cover and some new background material.  Hopefully will be done by the end of summer 2016


Will.collect the first four books of the Fantasy Envoy Erotica series, which are THE CLERIC'S FAREWELL, THE MAD KING'S ROAD, THE ELF WIFE, and A NIGHT AT THE DEBAUCHERY.  Will have a brand new cover and bonus mateiral.  Also should done by the end of 2016.


Of course there's many other projects in various stages of planning, but these are the ones that are near-term with endpoints in sight.  In the future will be books like HOT PIRATE GIRLS (an erotic supernatural history tale set in the 1600s,) DEEP DELVE ( a new Fantasy Envoy book, where Tobias is trapped in ancient ruins with an Orc girl and Centaur sorceress,) HOT DRAGON GIRLS 6 (The steamy conclusion to the series,) plus more.

If there's anything readers would like to see, just leave a comment and let me know!

Also, become a patron on my PATREON PAGE to get bonus art, writing, coupons, and help me keep creating the fun sexy works you enjoy!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

100 POTIONS Published plus my new PATREON PAGE!

Yes, this is a new blog, focusing on my writing work.

Just recently live is my new erotica fantasy ebook, 100 POTIONS.  It is the 5th book of the FANTASY ENVOY series of erotic adventures, following the journey of Tobias of Winterbourne as he travels to many far-off lands and magical worlds acting as envoy and ambassador for his king.

In 100 POTIONS,  the Envoy makes his way to a colony of Animisians, people altered by magic since birth to resemble various totem animals. A powerful Baron threatens to cruelly enslave Dusty, a skilled alchemist, if she does not manufacture 100 rare fertility potions for him within one hundred days. Dusty forms a desperate alliance with Tobias and a body slave named Desini to create the potions, leading to many unexpected sensual delights amidst all the mad alchemy.

But can this unlikely trio of chance lovers succeed against the Baron's treachery?

I very reluctant had to charge slightly more for this book than for other installments in the series, simply from it being longer (35k words compared to the 25k words average for my erotica ebooks) and requiring significantly more work.  I would have preferred to keep the price lower, but given my current state of near-poverty I also can't sell myself short for all the effort that goes into these books.  I hope this doesn't put too many people off and that you enjoy the book regardless.

I also have a new PATREON PAGE that you can visit here:


Become a patron, and for just a few bucks a month you gain access to coupons, advanced previews of books, nude and high-res versions of cover art, exclusive pin-ups, and other bonus material. Plus you help me keep producing all the fun art and writing so many people seem to enjoy.  Adult contributors only, please.

Thanks! = )
