My Twitter handle: @plucas1000
I somewhat reluctantly reactivated my old Twitter account and want to give it a go again. The account is mostly there to promote my books and artwork, though I imagine I'll tweet fun stuff I may find or do as well, like I do with my journals/blog posts. I did try out Twitter back in 2013, and was less impressed with it as both a platform and as a promotional tool, so I stopped using it after a month or two. But much to my surprise and chagrin, it's stuck around and is more popular than ever. So I might as well use it if I can.
So follow me and I'll follow you, and all that stuff, as long as you aren't using your account to promote something really objectionable. Twitter handle above.
I also plan on starting a bunch of various promotional efforts this month. I'm sure some, or even most, probably won't work out, but I do want to do more raw promotional stuff in the future to reach more fans and readers. If anyone has any suggestions along those lines, especially if it doesn't cost a whole lot of money, I'll certainly be willing to listen.
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