Thursday, November 29, 2018

Ending Orbital Vector

After much deliberation, I decided not to renew the Orbital Vector website I've had up for 13 years.

Most people reading this probably weren't even aware of it.  I hadn't updated it in 6 years, but just couldn't bring myself to put it out of its misery until now. was dedicated to presenting speculative science ideas in a layman-friendly way.  All in all, it eventually ended up with over 150 illustrated articles on everything from Dyson Spheres to Interstellar Drives to Plasma Guns and much more.

For most of its existence, the site's ads did cover most of its own operating costs.  Unfortunately, I personally could never earn enough back to compensate for all the time spent researching, writing, coding, and uploading the articles for the website, so I eventually had to stop.  And now I'm letting it go.  I do think it's very unfortunate, as I considered the site very fun and educational, even if it did mostly have a niche audience.

For those of you who did peruse the site in any capacity, thanks, I appreciated having you as an audience and enjoyed creating it and its contents for you.  The good news is that this will free up resources for me to put up an author's website.  And who knows, some of Orbital vector's content may end up on there eventually.

Thanks again!

-- PL


  1. That's very unfortunate, it was one of the websites I grew up with during my late teens/early adulthood and it was particularly a great inspiration for my own worldbuilding. The memories will live on, but I shall still grieve over such a wonderful resource.

  2. Too bad. That site was a gem. I just followed a link there and saw it was no more. It's still available on wayback, but it would be nice if there was a downloadable archive of the entire site somewhere.
